Classification of Natural Compounds and Extracts in
Rats and Humans Using Electrophysiological Methods
Rats and Humans Using Electrophysiological Methods
compounds and plant-derived products play an ever-increasing role not only in
medical therapy but also in medical prophylaxis using food supplements and
functional food. This presentation bridges the gap between animal studies and
clinical trials using an electrophysiological approach validated for years in
testing pharmaceutical preparations of chemically synthesized compounds. Common
parameter in rat and humans is the local field potential as it is recorded from
the depth of the rat brain and from the scalp of the human brain as
electroencephalogram (EEG). These potentials - when recorded in the presence of
drugs - lead to “electropharmacograms” representing the change of spectral frequency
content in the presence of drugs. Feeding the results of the frequency analysis
of these signals into discriminant analysis results in a 3-D projection as shown
in Fig. 1 for rats and Fig. 2 for humans.
In the rat
field potentials are recorded from implanted steel electrodes and transmitted via
a telemetric system wirelessly to the secondary amplifiers and further
transmitted to evaluation units by means of a glass fiber. The experimental
design consists in recording a pre-drug base line for 45 minutes before
administration of the natural ingredients or plant extracts. Recording
continues for the next 5 hours. Effects are described in % change from pre-drug
values with respect to 6 frequency ranges for each of the four brain areas:
frontal cortex, hippocampus, striatum and reticular formation = 24 variables.
Extracts from decaffeinated Green Tea, Schisandra, Ginkgo, Ginseng, St. John`s
Wort, Rhodiola, Valeriana, Camilla, Guarana, Passiflora, Kava Kava were
compared to the actions of caffeine, quercetin, theanine and theogalline. All
extracts and single ingredients produced electrical changes, which could be
differentiated from each other by feeding the data into a discriminant
analysis, where the first three discriminant axes were coded into an additive
colour mixture of the colours green, red and blue. The next three discriminant axes were coded
into spatial x, y and z axes. Using this method, products
with a similar effect on the brain produve similar colours and are
situated at a similar spatial location like seen for theanine, quercetin, St.
John`s Wort.
Fig. 1 Projection of results of discriminant
analysis based on electropharmacograms of mean data from healthy rats. Similar
colour (RGB mode) represents a similar clinical indication. Similar position of neighbours (x,
y and z axes) signalizes similar mechanism of action.
In humans a similar approach is performed
with data derived from EEG recordings. Data from a lozenge containing four
plant derived extracts (lemon balm, oat, lavender and hops), a drink containing
ginkgo and ginseng as well as a decaffeinated green tea extract and a tablet
containing passiflora were tested within a similar experimental design in
comparison to placebo. After base line recording, administration of the
extracts was followed by hourly recordings of
5 minute duration under conditions of “eyes open”. The data from the
electropharmacograms (17 electrode positions times 6 frequency ranges = 102
variables) were fed into a linear discriminant analysis. It could be shown,
that the actions of the four preparations were entirely different from placebo.
However, the hourly recordings within one trial showed the same colour. This
proved the extremely high sensitivity of the method and the consistency of the
observed effects.
Fig. 2 Discriminant analysis of human EEG
in the presence of Green Tea (deaffeineated theanine and theogallin enriched
green tea extract), Lozenge (lozenge containing lavendula, oat, hops and lemon
balm), Ginkgo (drink containing extract of ginkgo and ginseng), Neurexan®
(homeopathic tablet containing passiflora and avena sativa), Hypericum (St.
John`s Wort), Ethanol, Melissengeist (Klosterfrau Melissengeist®),
Placebo. Numbers represent hours after administration. Recording during eyes
open (a).
The data
document, that field potentials from rats and EEG from humans are valid
parameters for the description of effects of natural compounds and plant
derived extracts on the brain.
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extracts from Hops, Lemon balm and Oat on electrical brain activity of
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Dimpfel W, Kler A, Kriesl E, Lehnfeld R and
Keplinger-Dimpfel I.K (2006) Neurophysiological characterization of
functionally active drink containing extracts of ginkgo and ginseng by source
density analysis of the human EEG (Nutritional
Neuroscience Vol 9, 213-224.
W, Kler A, Kriesl E, Lehnfeld R and Keplinger-Dimpfel I.K (2007) Source density
analysis of human EEG after ingestion of a drink containing decaffeinated
extract of green tea enriched with L-theanine and Theogallin (Nutritional Neuroscience Vol 10,
W (2007) Psychophysiological effects of Neurexan® on stress-induced
Electropsychograms (World Conference of Stress 2007
in Budapest).
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